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Celebrating H2’s Future on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day

October 8, 2023

Source: ACT News

While battery-electric vehicles have seen a boost through OEM development, regulatory mandates, and government funding, their zero-emission cousins are starting to see similar support.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not overwhelming the roadways just yet, but there are more than just plans in place to change that. OEMs for every class of vehicle are at the very least developing new hydrogen-fueled vehicles and the government has taken notice. As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, $8 billion has been earmarked for regional clean hydrogen hubs, in hopes of dropping the price of the fuel while simultaneously increasing the availability.

For these reasons and more, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy founded Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day in 2015 to highlight the sectors this clean technology can be applied to, including transportation, stationary power, and other industrial applications. The date, October 8, was chosen to as a nod to the atomic weight of hydrogen — 1.008.

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