South Coast Air Quality Management District Warehouse Indirect Source Rule (WAIRE)

South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD) Warehouse Indirect Source Rule 2305 (WAIRE) is a compliance program for larger warehouses within South Coast AQMD’s jurisdictions – including Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. The program is designed to mitigate emissions produced by heavy and medium-duty traffic that services the warehouses within the district through warehouse operators’ participation in WAIRE.  

GNA can help warehouse operators understand their obligations under this rule and how best to meet those obligations in a cost-effective manner. 

Notice! South Coast AQMD’s first reporting deadlines have already passed, and the financial impact of being out of compliance can be significant.

Phase  Warehouse Size   Initial Site Information Report (ISIR) Deadline   12-Month Data Collection Timeframe   Annual WAIRE Report (AWR) Deadline   Initial Compliance Year   
1   ≥ 250,000 sq ft   7/1/2022   7/1/2021 – 5/31/2022   Extended to 3/2/23  2022   
2   ≥ 150,000 sq ft   7/1/2023   7/1/2022 – 5/31/2023   1/31/2024   2023   
3   ≥ 100,000 sq ft   7/1/2024   7/1/2023 – 5/31/2024   1/31/2025   2024   

Delivering Value Through Expertise

13 In-House Regulatory Specialists
$3 Million+ Compliance Fines Avoided
50+ Warehouses Supported

Implement an effective compliance strategy to avoid financial penalties.

The main factor in determining an individual warehouses’ WAIRE Point Compliance Obligation (WPCO) is its annual truck traffic. GNA developed a calculator to determine clients’ WPCO and translate that truck traffic into the financial penalties that will be charged for non-compliance. This simplified version provides an estimate of potential fees if no action is taken to offset the WPCO of the warehouse.

Note: A truck visit includes both an inbound and outbound trip.

Estimated Mitigation Fee Owed*


* $1,000 per WAIRE point
+ 6.25% administrative fee
+ other applicable administration fees

GNA helps warehouse operators:

  • Identify and project their compliance needs under this rule  
  • Ensure procurement plan meets the demands of this rule and other related regulations 
  • Advocate to shape rule components 
  • Develop cost effective compliance plans to offset the WPCO 
  • Secure funding to reduce compliance costs 
  • Understand the rule’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements  
  • Facilitate the data gathering from individual sites 
  • File the required reports such as the Initial Site Information Report (ISIR), Annual WAIRE Report (AWR), and Warehouse Operation Notification (WON) 

Sample Pathways to Offset Financial Impacts:

  • Pay a fee for each truck trip to your warehouse 
  • Acquire or operate zero-emission (ZE) or near-zero-emission (NZE) trucks 
  • Acquire or operate ZE yard trucks 
  • Install onsite ZE charging or fueling infrastructure 
  • Install onsite solar panels 
  • Install MERV 16+ filters or filter systems in residences, schools, daycares, hospitals, or community centers 
  • Contact GNA to develop a custom plan 

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