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California Suburbs
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Diesel Big Rigs Have Belched Smog for Years. California May Soon Ban Them

November 2, 2022

Source: Washington Post

BLOOMINGTON, Calif. — The two-acre plot was overgrown and unruly, but they could see the potential. Mountains crowned the horizon and the soil was healthy. There was room to roam — for their children and their animals. For Cecilia and Macedonio González, this patch of land 50 miles east of Los Angeles was a portal to their past and a promise to their future.

The couple picked the place some 15 years ago because it reminded them of where they grew up, in the Mexican state of Jalisco, and they wanted their children to feel connected to those roots. But these days, the family property doesn’t feel the same. Instead of the chorus of birds and roosters, it’s the growl of trucks. Hulking tractor-trailers that sport the names of some of the country’s largest corporations, such as Amazon and FedEx, or none at all.

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